Innovative Cosmetic Dentistry in Meridian, ID

During your first dental examination with x-rays, you will be given the opportunity to discuss your dental health and goals. What is important to you, is priority for us. You will be presented with options to meet your dental goals. We offer many different services. But, you will be invited to join the decision-making process of what dental treatment will work best for you. In partnership with YOUR dentist, you will have a healthy smile and know you were a part of the process. Leaving the dental office feeling confident and informed of your dental plan is our goal.

A smile is the first feature that is noticed on your face. If you are unhappy with your smile, whether it’s due to chipped, crooked, missing or discolored teeth, contact us immediately for a free Cosmetic Smile Assessment with our office.

We feel that everyone should be able to smile with confidence. Now thanks to advancements in modern cosmetic dental care, you can have a beautiful smile easier than ever before.

A smile is the first feature that is noticed on your face. If you are unhappy with your smile, whether it’s due to chipped, crooked, missing or discolored teeth, contact us immediately for a free Cosmetic Smile Assessment with our office.

We feel that everyone should be able to smile with confidence. Now thanks to advancements in modern cosmetic dental care, you can have a beautiful smile easier than ever before.

This may include one or a combination of cosmetic techniques such as:

  • Whitening
  • Bonding
  • Veneers
  • E4D 1 Visit Crowns
  • Invisalign
  • Dental Implants

When you arrive for your free consultation, our dentist will first spend time discussing your concerns and expectations and will then proceed to give you a careful examination of your mouth to assess what needs to be done to provide you with the best possible smile. Once the assessment is completed, the dentist will then be able to explain the options that would be needed to give you the smile that you want.

You will be delighted with the improvements to your smile, your ability to eat and your self image.

Embarrassed to smile because of small teeth and too much gum? We can change all that with Gum Reconstruction.

Gummy Smile

A beautiful smile shows most of the 8-10 upper teeth with almost no gum above the two front teeth. A smile is considered a “gummy smile” if a significant amount of gingival tissue (gums) can be seen as a person smiles.

Although a gummy smile is considered a normal variation of human anatomy, many people with gummy smiles are very self-conscious when smiling. Fortunately, these smiles can be corrected with simple periodontal surgery procedures.

We can safely modify the position and shape of this gum so that more of your natural enamel and less gum shows when you smile.

Soft Tissue Grafts

Exposed tooth roots are the result of gum recession. You may wish to enhance your smile by covering one or more of these roots that make your teeth appear too long. Or, maybe you’re not bothered by the appearance of these areas, but you cringe because the exposed roots are sensitive to hot or cold foods and liquids.

Your gums may have receded for a variety of reasons, including aggressive tooth brushing or periodontal disease. You may not be in control of what caused the recession, but, prior to treatment, we can help you identify the factors contributing to the problem. Once these contributing factors are controlled, a soft tissue graft procedure will repair the defect and help to prevent additional recession and bone loss.

Soft tissue grafts can be used to cover roots or develop gum tissue where absent due to an excessive gingival recession. During this procedure, the gum tissue is taken from your palate or another donor source to cover the exposed root. This can be done for one tooth or several teeth to even your gum line and reduce sensitivity.

Whether you have soft tissue grafts to improve function or aesthetics, you will receive the benefits of both: a beautiful new smile and improved periodontal health – your keys to smiling, eating and speaking with comfort and confidence.

Contact us immediately and schedule a free consultation. You will be taking the first step towards a beautiful smile.

For people who are missing teeth, dental implants usually provide the best replacement solution. An implant is a post that is surgically placed in the jawbone to take the place of a natural tooth root and serves as a foundation for a replacement tooth. Dr. Kooyman has extensive experience in implant dentistry, and stays up to date with continuing education courses. He customizes each step of the implant dentistry treatment plan to fit a patient’s individual needs for the most successful outcome. If you would like to learn more about dental implants, contact Linder Road Family & Cosmetic Dentistry in Meridian to schedule a consultation today.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Years ago the only options for replacing missing teeth were fixed dental bridges (which affect surrounding teeth) or removable dentures (which can slip out of place). Today, our patients have a more permanent solution in dental implants. Implants have many benefits over other tooth replacement options, including:

  • Appearance and Function: Implants, with attached restorations, look and feel just like natural teeth. In addition, they will not slip out of place like dentures or other removable restorative dentistry options can, giving you the confidence to speak and eat with freedom.
  • Dental Health: Since the jawbone fuses to the implant post, an implant helps prevent bone loss and gum recession by taking the place of a natural tooth root. Also, unlike bridges that require surrounding teeth for support, implant-supported restorations do not affect any other teeth.
  • Versatility: Implants can be used to replace a single tooth or several teeth. They can also be used to support a full denture if all of the natural teeth are missing.

Who is a Candidate?

In general, anyone who is missing one or more teeth and is in good oral and overall health makes a good candidate for dental implants. We would be happy to evaluate your oral health and discuss your candidacy. Of primary consideration is having sufficient healthy jawbone in the area to receive the implant. However, we can often perform a bone graft procedure prior to implant placement to build up the jawbone if needed. At Linder Road Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we also offer sedation dentistry to help our patients relax through their implant dentistry treatments, making even patients with dental phobia good candidates for the procedure.

The Implant Dentistry Procedure

The procedure to place dental implants is straightforward and can be completed in three visits to our practice after an initial consultation.

  • Implant Post Placement (First Visit): During the first visit, the titanium implant post, which resembles a small screw, will be placed into the jawbone through an oral surgery procedure. The jawbone is allowed to heal for several months to ensure that is fully fused with the post before the abutment is attached.
  • Abutment Attachment (Second Visit): During the second visit, an abutment will be attached to the post so that the restoration can be placed on it in the next visit. The area is allowed to heal for a few weeks before the restoration is attached.
  • Restoration Attachment (Third Visit): During the third and final visit, the restoration – a single dental crown, dental bridge, or denture – will be attached to the exposed portion of the abutment.

The Cost of Dental Implants

Dr. Kooyman takes great care to customize each implant dentistry treatment plan to fit the needs of the individual patient. Some people will require a bone graft, while others may require additional treatments for optimal results. For these reasons, it is impossible to give an accurate estimate for the cost of dental implants without visiting our practice for a thorough evaluation.

Mini Implant SYSTEM

With Linder Road Family & Cosmetic Dentistry’s mini implant system, denture stability is enhanced and quality of life is improved!

  • Bio-compatible titanium implants help stabilize denture for superior function and improved bite strength
  • Placement of mini implants is quick and easy with minimal recovery time
  • Denture stability allows you to eat comfortably and talk with confidence

If you are missing one or more teeth and would like to learn more about dental implants, contact us to schedule a consultation. Dr. Kooyman has helped many people smile with confidence by replacing their missing teeth with natural-looking dental implants.

Do you avoid smiling because you are self-conscious about the appearance of your teeth? If so, a smile makeover may be the right treatment option for you. At Linder Road Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, Dr. Kooyman combines his experience and eye for beauty with the latest technologies and materials to create amazing results by combining several procedures into a smile makeover. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your smile, contact Linder Road Family & Cosmetic Dentistry to schedule a smile makeover consultation at our Meridian and Boise-area practice.

Benefits of a Smile Makeover at Linder Road Family & Cosmetic Dentistry

With a smile makeover at Linder Road Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, you will receive a treatment plan that is completely customized to your needs and desired outcome. Dr. Kooyman combines cutting-edge technology with his experience to create the smile you have always dreamed of. No matter your dental issues, he can combine several procedures, from teeth whitening and porcelain veneers to Invisalign® orthodontics* and dental implants, to give you an optimal result.

One of the main benefits of a smile makeover is that it allows us to combine several procedures into one comprehensive treatment plan. At Linder Road Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we have the added benefit of being able to combine several procedures into a single office visit through the use of sedation dentistry. In addition to saving time and trips to our office, sedation allows you to remain completely relaxed during your treatments.

Who is a Candidate?

Anyone who has multiple dental issues and who is unhappy with the appearance of his or her smile can benefit from a smile makeover. You are an especially good candidate for a smile makeover at our Boise-area practice in Meridian if you suffer from any of the issues listed below.

  • Discolored or stained teeth
  • Cracks and/or chips
  • Misshaped teeth
  • Gummy smile, making teeth look small
  • Crooked teeth or gaps between the teeth
  • Missing teeth
  • Metal dental restorations

Your Customized Smile Makeover Plan

Your journey to a beautiful smile begins with a smile makeover consultation with Dr. Kooyman. He will speak with you about what you don’t like about your smile and perform a thorough examination. He then takes the time to prepare a fully customized treatment plan to address your issues. This treatment plan may include cosmetic dentistry procedures to address aesthetic issues, restorative dentistry procedures to correct functional issues, and general dentistry procedures to improve dental health.

We want you to have the best outcome possible. That’s why our smile makeovers are all-inclusive. If something unexpected comes up during treatment that wasn’t in our original plan, such as the need for a bone graft for a dental implant, we won’t charge you extra. Dr. Kooyman also takes extra time in every aspect of a smile makeover to make sure that it is done right and your desired outcome is achieved.

Schedule a Smile Makeover Consultation

If you are unhappy with your smile, contact Linder Road Family & Cosmetic Dentistry to schedule a smile makeover consultation. Dr. Kooyman will examine your smile, speak with you about your goals, and develop a customized treatment plan to address your individual issues. Dr. Kooyman has helped patients from throughout Boise, West Boise, Eagle and surrounding areas enjoy an improved quality of life through smile makeovers.

* All orthodontic procedures are performed by a general dentist.

Do you avoid smiling due to imperfections in your teeth? If so, you may be a good candidate for porcelain veneers. A dental veneer is a thin shell of porcelain that is attached to the front surface of a tooth to conceal flaws. Using a variety of techniques and materials, Dr. Kooyman can customize your porcelain veneers to fit your needs for an optimal result. Learn more about the porcelain veneers offered at our Meridian and Boise-area practice and how they can help you smile with confidence by scheduling a consultation today.

Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are one of the most versatile cosmetic dentistry options available. Veneers can be used to cover a variety of aesthetic flaws to create a more uniform and pleasing smile. In addition, they can be used to add more width or length to a tooth. They are less invasive than dental crowns and more durable than dental bonding. We can use veneers to fix a flaw on just one tooth or many teeth, or we can apply them to all of the front teeth for a smile makeover.

At Linder Road Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we offer several types of porcelain veneers to fit each patient’s unique needs. We are happy to offer LUMINEERS®, which can often be placed directly on the tooth without needing to be prepped, preserving more natural tooth structure and saving time. We also offer Emax and Empress® veneers to fit different needs.

Who is a Candidate?

Anyone who has good dental health and is unhappy with the appearance of his or her smile can benefit from porcelain veneers. Those who have the dental issues listed below are especially good candidates for veneers.

  • Chips and cracks
  • Crooked or uneven teeth
  • Gaps or spaces between the teeth
  • Stains and discolorations that do not respond to teeth whitening treatments

For patients who have tooth decay or who have lost tooth enamel, another restorative dentistry option, such as a dental crown, may be a better treatment choice.

Porcelain Veneers Placement Procedure

Porcelain veneers can be placed in just two visits to our Meridian office after your initial consultation.

  • Visit One – Tooth Preparation: During your first visit, your teeth will be prepared to receive the porcelain veneers. A thin layer of enamel will be removed from the front surface of each recipient’s tooth to provide space for the porcelain and to ensure a proper bonding surface. An impression of the area will then be made so that your veneers can be custom crafted by our dental laboratory. Finally, temporary veneers will be attached to your prepared teeth to protect them until your permanent veneers are ready.
  • Visit Two – Veneer Placement: In about one to two weeks your permanent veneers will be ready and you will return to our office to have them placed. We begin by carefully removing your temporary veneers. We will then try your permanent veneers on your teeth to make sure they fit correctly. We will make any necessary adjustments to the veneers and then cement them into place. Each tooth with a veneer will be exposed to a special light to harden the cement, ensuring they are tightly bonded.

What do Porcelain Veneers Cost?

If you are considering porcelain veneers, you may be interested in the cost of the procedure. Since we customize the veneer procedure to each patient’s individual needs, we can’t estimate a cost for your treatment until we have seen you for an initial consultation. During this consultation, Dr. Kooyman will examine your teeth and speak with you about your goals for treatment. He will then develop a treatment plan that will achieve the results you desire. Only then can he give you a cost for your veneers. However, it should be noted that porcelain veneers are one of the most cost-effective ways to dramatically improve your smile.

We offer our patients the KöR Deep Bleaching System

What is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is a procedure that removes stains and discoloration from teeth.

Discoloration can be the result of a combination of things:

  • Genetics
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Accidents
  • Medication
  • The effects of aging
  • Smoking
  • Certain foods.

Whitening techniques will only work for staining caused by some medications if the discoloration is very mild. Teeth that are discolored because of medication or excessive fluoride are not good candidates for the whitening procedure. Veneers are the best solution for more severe discoloration cases. Once you reach our office, our dentist will let you know the best solution for you.

We can change all this and give you a “Movie Star” smile within one hour.

First, we check the teeth for cavities as the whitening gel can cause serious damage if it leaks into these areas. If cavities are found, they must be repaired before tooth whitening takes place. If there are no cavities, we will begin the whitening process. The process is quick, easy, and comfortable. Under the dentists’ supervision, our whitening treatments are completely safe and will not harm teeth or gums.

KöR Whitening Deep Bleaching™ System

The KöR Whitening Deep Bleaching™ System developed by Dr. Rod Kurthy is a proven, permanent whitening system from Evolve® Dental Technologies, Inc. Considered to be the most reliable and effective bleaching system ever developed, it yields reliable, consistent results every single time!

KöR Whitening was ranked highest as the most effective, reliable way to whiten your teeth permanently, by a respected dental products journal. No other dental product of any type has ever been ranked higher than KöR Whitening, and KöR is the only whitening system to ever receive a rating of “Best Product”.

The process is painless, takes 2 weeks, and involves both whitening at home as well as a 90 minute in-office procedure.

  • Beautiful, healthy and natural looking white result
  • Effective even on tetracycline-stained (dark) teeth
  • Low to no sensitivity
  • Comfortable, easy process
  • No need to give up coffee, tea, or red wine
  • Permanent results – white teeth for your lifetime!
  • Entirely safe for teeth and gums
  • Perfect for ages 14 – 90

The advantage of using dentist-supervised bleaching is that teeth can be properly assessed to have the correct chemical concentration, correct method and length of treatment and to be sure the patient is even suitable to have their teeth whitened.

Don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss any aspect of your dental health – we don’t charge for giving advice!